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Interior Design 110

Resources and strategies for research on sustainable design products

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Journal coversIf you need to find articles in a particular journal or want to browse through that journal, the following resources will help you get to the right place:

Trade Publications

Nation's Restaurant News cover         Advertising Age cover Home Fashion & Furniture Trends cover

One of the best ways to find information on an industry is to consult specialized trade publications.  Articles in trade publications (such as Architectural Digest or Kitchen & Bath Business) are written for readers with an interest in a specific industry. Many trade publications not only cover an industry, but also provide information on companies, executives, consumers, and business trends.

 Search SuperSearch or use the individual article databases (EBSCO, ProQuest) to locate trade journals

Scholarly, Trade, and Popular Articles

This video created by the Krueger Library - Winona State University is an excellent overview of the differences between scholarly, trade,and popular artilces.