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LGBTQIA+ Pride Month Resource Guide

The month of June was chosen for LGBT Pride Month to commemorate the Stonewall riots, which occurred at the end of June 1969. As a result, many Pride events are held during this month to recognize the impact LGBTQ people have had in the world

Use the Online Library Catalog to Find Books @ Mesa

Use the Online Library Catalog to Find Physical & eBooks @ Mesa
Access and read ebooks online.

If you are looking for a specific book title ... or if you need to track down books on a particular subject for a research project, search the online Library Catalog

Our collection includes both electronic books that you can access and read online 24/7, and print books that you can borrow from our library (when it is open) to read at home.

You will need the actual ID card to check out print books from the library, and you will use your ID# to log on to e-books. Note that you are also eligible to request print books from the City and Miramar campuses.

We have created a short video that will walk you through finding a physical and electronic book using our One Search Tool just click here to have a look. 

Suggested Books & eBooks

Suggested Books in Print 

The Mesa College Library has a large collection of LGBTQIA+ experiences in print which are located on the 1st floor display and 3rd floor stacks.  Please check out this sample of a few print books that you can check out from the library through the library's circulation service to get you started: