Photo credit Jon Tyson from Unsplash
6 Key Terms That are Commonly Used When Speaking About Plagiarism
- Common Knowledge. Something your average reader would understand as a fact without needing to look it up. Example: "Post Malone is a musical artist"
- Attribution. Giving Someone Credit For their work. Example: "The Picture on this box has an attribution to the photographer underneath it".
- Paraphrasing. Putting another persons concept or work into your own words.
- Academic Dishonesty. Falsification or misrepresentation of someone elses work as your own. Examples: "Not attributing a direct work, Attributing to work that does not exist or paraphrasing without attributing"
- Academic Integrity. Your commitment as a scholar to honest and moral behavior...even if no one will know the different. Example: "Acknowledging the contribution that anyone has had in the creation of your work or responding to a test question"
- Intellectual Property. A unique creation of the mind. Examples: "A song, a literary work, or an invention...even someone elses tweet will need to be attributed when used in your own work"