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Black Brilliance in Exercise Science


Black Brilliance in Exercise Science


This guide was created to help amplify those in the black community
that have broken new ground in the area of exercise science.
This guide provides Mesa library and other free information resources
for your introduction and further study. 
 Photo by  David Hoffman on Unsplash

Off-Campus Access

Library Resources Online


home desk with computer, cell phone, notepad, and flowers​The Mesa Library provides online access to over 100 article and streaming databases, over 85,000 print books, as well as over 35,000 electronic books to currently enrolled Mesa students and Mesa employees. ​ You can access these through the Mesa Library website. 

Photo by Christine Donaldson on Unsplash

Off Campus Access

Mesa College students, faculty, and staff can access to the Library's subscription databases and electronic books from the  Mesa College Library Home Page

Electronic Books are listed in the Library Catalog

Electronic Journals, Newspapers, and Reference Resources - click on the "A-Z Databases" link or from the "List of Magazines, Journals, and Newspapers" link.

When you click on the database or ebook link, you will be prompted for your SDCCD email and your email password.

Problems or questions?  Contact the Library Reference Desk at 619 388-2660.

Quick Start Your Research

Below is our "One Search" tool. Use the search box to find articles, books and more from the Mesa College library. Just put in your search term and give it a try!

Librarians Are Here To Help

Introducing Edeama Onwuchekwa, the San Diego Mesa College Equity and Engagement Librarian       

All six of our full time librarians have specialty areas and Edeama's is being dedicated to helping students remain on their paths in in an integrated, intrusive, and just in time manner by providing equity minded leadership in the development, assessment and continuous improvement of the library's reference services, face-to-face and online information literacy instruction program. 

You can make an appointment with her through the Ask A Librarian Service for a time at your convenience

or Edeama's One-on-One Zoom Research Room is available

Monday and Thursday (when class is in session) from 11am- 12 noon

Meeting ID: 311 693 4217

Passcode: 984367

You can also contact her at you can contact her via email at


Feedback Form

Please give us your questions, and comments about this guide. We'd love to hear from you!

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