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Chicana/o Studies Research Guide

Open Access Videos

Below are links to videos available for free from the web that have been researched as credible by your librarians. 

  • Latino Americans- The first major documentary series for television to chronicle the rich and varied history and experiences of Latinos, who have helped shape North America over the last 500-plus years and have become, with more than 50 million people, the largest minority group in the U.S. There are 5 edpisodes, #5 may be of particular interest. Brought to us by The Public Broadcasting System (PBS)

Open Access Resources

Below are a variety of resources that are available for free from the web that have been researched by your librarians and found to be credible. 

Primary source accounts by the United Farm Worker volunteers who built the movement brought to us by UCSD (includes essays, photos, art and more)

Brought to you by the Library of Congress. 

The Policy Institute focuses on the areas of: Latinos and the criminal justice system, civic engagement and capacity building among immigrant-serving organizations, and demographic change in major metropolitan regions of the United States.

Chicano/a Movement in Washington brought to us by the University of Washington. Includes: hIstory, photos, documents and more. 

Regarding Cesar Chavez in regard to allegations of communist party affiliations within the United Farm Workers organization

" The Bracero History Archive collects and makes available the oral histories and artifacts pertaining to the Bracero program, a guest worker initiative that spanned the years 1942-1964. Millions of Mexican agricultural workers crossed the border under the program to work in more than half of the states in America." -Information brought to you by the Digital Public Library of America. Contains some: images, oral histories and primary documents

"More than 100 interviews have been recorded with Latino leaders, writers, poets, artists, scholars, and Notre Dame Alumni, with a particular emphasis on the Midwestern United States." brought to us by the Institute of Latino Studies at the University of Notre Dame. 

Launched in 2009, StoryCorps Historias is an initiative to record the diverse stories and life experiences of Latina/Latino people in the United States

Contains history photos and more regarding Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers Organization