Mesa College Celebrates Annual Rosa Parks Birthday Recognition
Image Credit: San Diego Mesa College
San Diego, CA, - Black History Month celebrations, begins on the Ist of February at San Diego Mesa College, and the annual Rosa Parks Birthday Recognition & Libation is scheduled for Monday, February 8. Community members are invited to join Mesa College administrators, faculty, staff, and students at 12:00 p.m. for a silent walk from the Imani Circle at the Humanities and Cultural Studies Building to MC 211, in the Mesa Commons, for a traditional libation and remembrance. The walk is to honor those who walked instead of riding the bus after Mrs. Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat.
“San Diego Mesa College seeks to build a culture of diverse, equitable, and inclusive practices that create an enriched environment for our students, staff, faculty, and the broader community,” said Mesa College President Dr. Ashanti T. Hands. “We remain as committed as ever to celebrating diversity by honoring Black History Month not only on our own campus but by involving the greater community.”
Date/Time: Thursday, February 8, 2024. 12:00-1:30 p.m.
Location: San Diego Mesa College
Humanities and Cultural Studies Building (G building) to the Mesa Commons 211
7250 Mesa College Dr., San Diego, CA 92111
Administrators, faculty, staff, students, and community members participating in the walk and libation
Spoken words and talks given by faculty and students
1:1’s with students and faculty
1:1’s with Mesa College students, faculty, and administrators
Please see the 2024 Black History Month calendar of events scheduled at Mesa College, highlighted by a series of performances, exhibits, discussions, film screenings, and other celebrations. The majority of events are hosted at Mesa College (map), with several being held in the community.