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Black History Month Library Guide

In honor of Black History Month this Research Guide will show what is available at the San Diego Mesa College library and other community resources. People of all backgrounds and colors can learn from the content in this guide.

Resources from the ASALH (Association for the Study of African American Life and History)

The following websites was suggested by the ASALH Program Planning Committee

To learn more, please visit ASALH's Books, Websites, and other Historical Materials and Guides on Black Health and Wellness.

Resources for Mental and Physical Health, Physical Wellness Resources


BMHA provides meaningful, engaging, and empowering monthly programming educating Black people on their ability to heal both individually and as a community

Black Health Matters will provide information about health and well-being from a service-oriented perspective–with lots of upbeat, positive solutions and tips.

We provide the resources, information, and tools that you need to get the best quality healthcare possible regardless of insurance or circumstance and serve as an advocate to ensure the best health and health care possible.

The African American Wellness Project was organized to respond to the inequities in health care delivery that exists between African Americans and the rest of America. It is our belief that while good health begins with diet and exercise, once you enter the health care system, you must be organized to get the most out of it.